Friday, March 28, 2014


Believe it or not, I am actually taking classes while I'm here! It just looks like I'm having fun all the time. I even bought books and lab coat! I've been doing some sciency things in the lab and it's been wonderful!

There are two ways I usually get to campus. I can either bike or walk and I can choose between two roads to take depending on which side of campus I need to get to. 

When I ride my bike, it is pretty scary. First of all, they drive on the left side of the road. It's confusing, I have to think really hard when I come to intersections and especially when using hand signaling. But the worst part is that I have to go through a round-about to get to school. I've never really been through a right handed round-about before so this was an entirely new experience. I've made it through alive each time though once or twice I got off quickly and walked around like the scardy cat I am. Lastly, drivers here hate bikes. They don't like that people bike on the roads and they are not very nice. I guess that is the reason why they give out fines if you don't wear a helmet, but I would never dream of not wearing a helmet with these terrible drivers. I am however greeted with lots of bikes always on the many bike racks the school has, it's nice that not very many people drive to class, generally biking or public transport.

The other way I walk to class is pleasant. It's a smaller road with a lot of cute houses with gardens and pretty flowers as well as some nice looking parts. It also drops me off right in front the building my classes are in, perfect! The first day I was walking I noticed something written in the concrete that I enjoyed and that made me think. It reads "keep your head up". It's so simplistically encouraging that it makes me happy every time I see it. I got to thinking the first day, the only reason I saw it was because I was looking down at the sidewalk. I try to keep my head up when walking around, taking in all that is around me. When I walk by the sidewalk it is a gentle reminder that staring at the ground is no way to live life, though I do make sure to look down when I get to the words on the walkway, they make me smile.

I've posted lots of pictures of the sunshine and how beautiful it is here. I may have been purposely blocking this from my memory but it actually rains here a lot. It has been raining for the past 5 days and it has rained many of the days I've been here. It's still nice and it makes some of the flowers smell even more delicious, but contrary to popular belief, I'm not spending everyday on the beach.

Last week I spent the entire week doing work. I had a quiz, a research paper, a computer science assignment and presentation to do. I spent many hours shut away from the world doing work. I found one of my favorite places in the library, a little corner I made my own for far to long.

One odd thing to mention. These signs that are in every bathroom stall on campus. So strange! I think it has something to do with the number of international students but I don't see how this needs to be specified so ofter, or even at all.

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